Accompany investment in renewable energy projects in Vietnam market

Investments in electricity in general and renewable energy in particular always have a decent position in Vietnam these days due to increasing electricity consumption demand and price support scheme adjusted by the Government to benefit investors. More and more foreign investors are coming to Vietnam for this potential sector.

Renewable energy is not something new worldwide, but only taken seriously thanks to interesting electricity price encouragement policies. It has been estimated that Vietnam needs to invest around 7,8 – 9,6 billion USD every year in the period of 2016 – 2030 to meet electrical demand. Great motivations for renewable energy investors come from the preferential interest rate, land use tax exemption and reduction, import tax exemption for fixed assets, preferential enterprise income tax (4 years of exemption, 9 years of 50% reduction,…), power purchase agreement (20 years with EVN),…

From 2017, various renewable energy projects, mostly wind, and solar energy have been permitted and implemented. Therefore, PEC has accompanied and become a strategic partner with top renewable energy investors to develop wind and solar energy projects such as B.Grimm, PowerChina, Boviet, Ekaratk Sungrow, Amplus,…

Picture 1: PEC signs Memorandum of understanding (MOU) with Ekarat – Thailand

In addition, PEC also executes M&A strategy constantly by supporting to seek and evaluate potential renewable energy projects, from connecting with investors, evaluating technical documents, consulting legal documents,… to completing transactions. Our guideline is to constantly accompany and support investors, to remain prestigious and reliable, and to gain complete trust from partners.

At the end of 2019, PEC has promoted M&A by signing MOU and authorization contract with many investors. Recently, PEC has had the honor of being authorized to represent the investors in projects’ business activities.

Our partners vary from national to international. Several investors from India, Japan, Malaysia,… such as Amplus, Kundu have trusted and signed contracts with PEC.

In the future, PEC will maximize our electrical value chain in the energy sector with consultancy including solar power, wind power, biomass power, and LNG power, which are considered new and should be developed in Vietnam, yet they require high technique, experience, and finance. PEC, with eligibility and experience to develop renewable energy projects, always wishes to accompany investors in various sectors.

Picture 2: Mr. Huynh Quoc Viet – Deputy Director (second from the left) join the conversation on solar power development with investors.

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